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Sleeping pills are a depressant medication that slows the body down. They act upon the central nervous system and are prescribed to ease anxiety or enable sleep.
It is possible for an overdose to be caused by sleeping pills by either taking too many or mixing them with other medications or drugs. This event can cause serious harm or death. If think you or someone you are with is experiencing an overdose, call an ambulance right away.
What is a sleeping pill overdose?
Sleeping pills work by depressing the central nervous system and this effect gets stronger when the pills are taken in increased dosage. It is possible for the pills to slow a person down to such a degree that they fall unconscious, experience raspatory failure or die.
An overdose could also cause vomiting, which is a common symptom and can either kill the person or leave them with brain damage due to a lack of oxygen.
Accidental overdose can happen when too many pills were taken by accident or when they were combined with another drug. Another reason for overdose can happen when someone becomes dependent on sleeping medication. Over time, the pills become less effective and more are needed to give the same effect.
What are the symptoms of a sleeping pill overdose?
The symptoms of a sleeping medication are similar to alcohol as they are both depressants. These symptoms can include:
- Blue lips, fingers and skin
- Difficulty breathing
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Slowed cognition
- Slowed breathing
- Unconsciousness
- Vomiting
- Coma
What can I do for a sleeping pill overdose?
If you or someone you are with has recently taken sleeping pills and are experiencing these symptoms, you need to get help immediately. Call an ambulance and while you wait you can do the following:
- Lie the person down on their side and in the recovery position
- Ensure that breathing is as comfortable as possible
- Find the pills that were taken and any other substances used
- Monitor breathing while help arrives
Where can I go after the overdose?
An overdose is a scary situation for everyone involved and will need professional care even after the person has recovered. If you are in this situation and need to know your next step, get hold of Get Help today.
Get Help is an emergency line for anyone experiencing the effects and after-effects of substance abuse. Contact us in the way you prefer and a supportive professional will give you the help you need.